CFUW logo: CFUW/Kanata - Canadian Federation of University Women - the power of women working together.

CFUW/Kanata - Membership

Membership in CFUW/Kanata is open to women who have earned a degree, diploma or equivalent qualification from an institution of higher learning, or have been accepted for a masters or doctoral program at a recognized tertiary institution, or have earned a professional designation or qualification that currently requires a degree, diploma or equivalent qualification. Women without a degree are invited to join as Associate Members. See the Membership Convener for more details.

Privileges include participation in local, national, and international club activities and committees.

Please contact us by email, if you wish to learn more about becoming a member of our club.


New Full Member (includes name badge): $117.00

Returning Full Member: $100.00

Member of another club: $40.00

Includes admittance to all General meetings and over 20 Interest groups.

EASY STEPS for Membership Renewal

  1. Simply PRINT the first page of the membership application form. Fill in the boxes marked with an asterisk and any box with new information, e.g. new cell phone number, new e-mail, etc.,
  2. Sign the waiver,
  3. Include a cheque made out to CFUW/Kanata for $100.
  4. Please send the form to:
    Janice Stonehouse
    90 Evanshen Cres.
    Kanata, ON
    K2K 2X7
  1. PRINT BOTH sides of the membership application form and fill in the pertinent information,
  2. Sign the waiver,
  3. Include a cheque made out to CFUW/Kanata in the amount as per section C on the application form.
  4. Please send the form to:
    Janice Stonehouse
    90 Evanshen Cres.
    Kanata, ON
    K2K 2X7


If you wish to make a donation to the Scholarship Trust Fund, please write a SEPARATE cheque to Scholarship Trust Fund and hand it to the Scholarship Trust Treasurer. A Charitable donation tax receipt will be made out for any donation over $10.