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Version 4.00
Contents and design © 2008-16
Website hosting and maintenance courtesy of Ian Lowrie.
Standing Committees
- Archivist
- Keeps
a running record of our club's history by taking pictures and maintaining our
club's scrapbook.
- Hospitality
- Organizes
the setting up and tidying up of refreshments for our members and guests at
General meetings. All members are asked to bring a sweet or savory snack
once a year.
- Ways and Means Committee
- This is the fundraising arm of CFUW/Kanata. It is spearheaded by a dedicated group
of five individuals made up of the Scholarship trustee, an executive member and
three members at large. They suggest and implement various ways the club
can raise money for our Scholarship Fund.
- Website Administration
- The
website is updated regularly with information
provided by members of the club. It is hosted and maintained
by the Kanata technology company 'Lowrie Consulting'.
- Advocacy group
- Members lobby various levels of government
on behalf of our club.