CFUW logo: CFUW/Kanata - Canadian Federation of University Women - the power of women working together.

Interest Groups

NB. Members are asked to log in to the secure members’ website to retrieve contact details.

CFUW/Kanata members are invited to join as many Interest Groups as they wish. It's the best deal in town - friendship, education and fun, all free! Whether it be on a journey towards laying down a grand slam at the card table, or enjoying many culinary delights, we hope that you will join us for a good time.

All the interest groups meet at times that do not conflict with the second Wednesday of the month, when the CFUW/Kanata General Meeting is held.

For more information concerning the Interest Groups, please contact Carole Ingham the Interest Group Coordinator at

Detailed descriptions of all the groups follow the calendar.

- Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Book Clubs
9:30am, 1:00 pm
Bridge Afternoons
Movie Matinee
Guitar Groovers & Sing Along
7:30 pm
Twisted Sisters book club
10:00 am
Art Appreciation Study 10am
every 2 weeks
Tyros Bridge
Bridge: Afternoon
1:00 pm
National Mah-jongg
1:00 pm
History Group
dates listed below
Lunch Club
Bridge: Duplicate Mixed

Bridge Afternoons
Fibre Fans
1 pm
Guitar Groovers & Sing Along
7:30 pm
General Meeting
Art Appreciation Tour 1:00 pm
Bridge: Afternoon
1:00 pm
National Mah-jongg
1:00 pm

Mixed Duplicate Bridge
Bridge Afternoons
Ladies Gourmet
Novel Women
1 p.m.
Guitar Groovers & Sing Along
7:30 pm
Tyros Bridge
Bridge: Afternoon
1:00 pm
National Mah-jongg
1:00 pm
Travel Talk
7:00 pm
Lunch Pot Luck
Bridge: Social Contract Mixed

Artistic Endeavors
9:30am to 11:30am
Bridge Afternoons
Current Issues
Guitar Groovers & Sing Along
7:30 pm
Bridge: Afternoon
Outdoor Adventures
National Mah-jongg
International Cuisine
Bridge Afternoon
Guitar Groovers & Sing Along
7:30 pm
Bridge: Afternoon
1:00 pm
National Mah-jongg
1:00 pm

The Groups and Times

Art Appreciation

Wednesday Morning Lecture Series 2015-2016
  • Wednesday 14 October Adam Welch Associate Curator, Modern Canadian Art Back and Forth: Joyce Wieland between Toronto and New York, 1962–1971

  • Wednesday 28 October Laura Brandon Historian, Art and War, Canadian War Museum Between a rock and a hard place: First World War Sculpture in the Canadian Collection

  • Wednesday 18 November Katerina Atanassova Senior Curator, Canadian Art Canadian Art in the Global Context: Canadians abroad measuring up to European Masters

  • Wednesday 9 December Denise Belisle Docent The Golden Age of Spanish Painting: Francisco de Zurbaran et al Wednesday 13 January Elizabeth MacDougall Docent Miss Jane Austen pays a visit to the National Gallery of Canada

  • Wednesday 27 January Barbara Mullaly-Pauly Docent Art-in-the-Box: Joseph Cornell and Canadian Artists of the ’60s and ’70s

  • Wednesday 17 February John McElhone Chief, Restoration Conservation Laboratory Conservation of photography

  • Wednesday 9 March Ian Ferguson Docent Contemporary American Art at the National Gallery of Canada: The surprising legacy of Brydon E. Smith Wednesday 23 March Bob Sauvé Docent Beauty, the sublime… and terror

  • Wednesday 30 March Janet King Docent American Abstract Expressionism and the New York School: Pollock, Still, Rothko, Newman and the critics

  • Wednesday 13 April Paul Lang Chief Curator and Deputy Director Elizabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun: The most important female painter of the 18 th century

Artistic Endeavors – 4th Monday 9:30 –11:30 a.m.

If art is one of your passions, but you never seem to set aside the time to create a new masterpiece . . . or if you wish to explore painting, drawing, or some other form of artistic expression in the company of artistic friends, then Artistic Endeavors is for you. Once a month, CFUW Kanata Artistic Endeavors members convene at a member home to enjoy two hours of camaraderie and the sharing of ideas while painting or drawing a new creation.

Fibre Fans – 2nd Tuesday 1:00 p.m.

Explore the world of fibres and discover what can be created with them.... quilts, both traditional and contemporary, tapestry, embroidery, knitting, needlepoint, felting, weaving ....the list is long and the learning never stops! Members share their expertise and work on various projects. To punctuate these sessions with fun and sources of new ideas, visits to upcoming arts and craft shows are planned.

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Book Clubs

Monday Morning Book Club - 1st Monday 9:30 a.m.

A rather special group that restricts its choices to include only books that are available in an audible format. Most members read the print version, but some members of the group are unable to do so and read by listening. The opinions are always varied and firmly held leading to an exhilarating and amusing debate. We choose ten books with at least one from each section: Canadian Fiction, International Fiction, Classic and Non-fiction.

This year's book selections are:

  • The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco
  • Jade Peony by Wayson Choy
  • Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
  • I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai
  • Passage to India by E.M. Forster
  • The Hero's Walk by Anita Rau Badami
  • The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd
  • Us Conductors by Sean Michaels
  • Ru by Kim Thuy
  • Ghost Boy by Martin Pistorius
Novel Women - 3rd Tuesday 1 p.m.

The Novel Women Group meets in members’ homes on the third Tuesday of each month starting at 1:00 p.m. Our reading list for this year is an eclectic selection of fiction and non-fiction books.

DateBookDiscussion LeaderHost
Sep 15 Jane Christmas: And then there were Nuns - Adventures in Cloistered Life Cathie Glenda
Oct 20 Jennifer Laam: The Secret Daughter of the Tsar Mary Cathie
Nov 17 Chantal Hebert: The Morning After Joelyn Marilyn
Dec 15 Grahame Simsion: The Rosie Project Deena Mary
Jan 19 Geraldine Brooks: People of the Book Gail Cathie
Feb 16 Kate Morton: The Secret Keeper Mary TBD
Mar 15 Lisa Genova: Inside the O'Briens Petra TBD
Apr 19 Paula McLain: The Paris Wife TBD TBD
May 17 Sean Michaels: Us Conductors Marilyn Deena
Jun 21 Rachel Joyce: The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry Dorothy Helen

Updated Sept 23, 2015

Possible book sources include:
Ottawa Public Library
Abe Books
Book Depository

Twisted Sisters Book Club - 1st Wednesday 10a.m.

This unique book club asks members to think “outside the box.” We meet the first Wednesday of the month, and members share books based on themes. Themes for this year:

JAN 6, 2016Humorous Book Cathie F.
FEB 3, 2016 Black History Month Susan R.
MARCH 2, 2016 A novel or biography about life in the 1970`s Lynn H.
APRIL 6, 2016 Favorite Artist
(Suggestions for next year`s themes)
Loraine D.
MAY 4, 2016 Historical Fiction Louanne L.
JUNE 1, 2016 War
(Finalize next year`s themes)
Moni S.

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National Mah-Jongg - Thursday 1 p.m. all year Thursday 1 p.m. all year
Co-Convenors: Loraine Drewell & Martha Klump

Mah-Jongg (or "Maajh") is a fascinating rummy-like game that is played with tiles. It is a game of skill, strategy and calculation, that also includes an element of chance. Originating in China supposedly around the time of Confucius, it has evolved so that there are at least eighty versions of Mah-Jongg played by various cultures. Mah Jongg falls into two broad categories: National (American/Jewish) Mah-Jongg and Classical (Chinese) Mah-Jongg.

CFUW/K plays National Mah-Jongg, which uses a card of Standard Hands against which ideally four players per square table play the game with 152 tiles. Several members now own Mah-Jongg sets that they bring to all the games.

Members are very enthusiastic so Mah Jongg games are scheduled each week year round, with the rare cancellation. Every second and fourth Thursday of the month, the games are currently held in the Bistro Room at Stonehaven Manor. Members take turns hosting the games either there or in their homes, from 1:00 p.m. to ~ 4:30 p.m. with a break somewhere between 2:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. for tea and a snack. We carpool whenever we can.

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Mixed Duplicate Morning Bridge – 3rd Monday 9 a.m.

We're a friendly group of bridge players, who take turns hosting in our homes. If you'd like to join the group, find a bridge partner of either gender and contact the convenor. If you don't have a partner, we may be able to match you up with another single. We welcome new members at any time of the year.

Ladies Monday Afternoon Bridge – every Monday 1 p.m.

The Ladies Monday Afternoon Bridge Group meets every Monday all through the year (even the summer!) from 1 to 4 p.m. We have a fairly large group of approximately 28 members. Every member hosts twice a year. Most members can accommodate 3 - 4 tables. A few members can only host 2 tables. We used to play every 2nd Monday but with so many players it was better to play every Monday so that if someone does not get to play one Monday, she can get into the next one. We ask our members to call the next hostess no more than 2 weeks ahead of time toreserve a spot to play. We are a friendly and lively group. There is almost as much conversation as there is bridge since we enjoy seeing each other when we get together to play.

Wednesday Afternoon Bridge – every Wednesday 1 p.m.

This group originated from a core of people who attended a CFUW/K's Beginners' Bridge class in the spring of 2005. Since then, we've been "bitten" by the bridge "bug" and meeting weekly, have all enjoyed the friendship with the challenge of Bridge in a supportive, non-critical, learning environment. The group decided it would be best to not take on new full members, but people are welcome to sign up as Spares. The hostess can call on Spares to make up a table, and also Spares can phone the hostess 3-4 days ahead of a play date to see if there is a space to play.

Mixed Duplicate Bridge - 1st Friday 7 p.m.

A Bridge partner may be of either gender. Hosting is shared.

Social Contract Mixed Evening Bridge - 3rd Friday 7 p.m.

This group meets the third Friday evening of each month at 7:00 p.m. at members' homes. A good fundamental knowledge of bridge helps make it satisfactory for all. The mixed concept of partners could be husband & wife partners, or same gender partners. Evening consists of four or five rounds, changing partners after each round (four hands). Light refreshments during and/or after.

Tyros Bridge -- 1st and 3rd Wednesday 1:00 p.m.

This is a social bridge club that will gather alternate Wednesdays ( 1st and 3rd) in the afternoon from 1:00 – 3:30 pm. Beginners and newcomers are welcome. The bridge is arranged for 2 tables ( 8 players) and 4 spares are part of the group. Each member of the group agrees to host twice during the year.

The best way for spares to alternate with players will be explored so that all members of the group have opportunities to play regularly. The dates and the format of the club (as outlined) will be confirmed at the first gathering on Wednesday, September 18 at 56 Rutherford Way.

Return to calendar.

Conversations with Food

International Cuisine - 4th Friday 6.30 p.m.

This group meets to become familiar with the culture, foods and new ingredients, from countries all over the world. Sometimes one of us may have traveled to one of these countries where we found interesting, different food that would be fun to try to cook and to share the experience with other people who are not afraid to venture into the unknown. We listen to the music of the selected country as well as learn about some of the traditions. We have been known to sing and dance on this fourth Friday of the month! The ambiance of the country is reflected in the table setting, the décor and clothing of the diners.

Ladies Gourmet - 3rd Monday 7p.m.

Meet monthly at their member's convenience for an evening of fine dining and socializing. If you enjoy being adventurous with food, this is the group for you! Due to popularity we have two groups that both meet the third Monday at 7 p.m.

Lunch Club - 1st Friday 12:30 p.m

Members enjoy dining at a different restaurant each month. Different members act as the hostesses each month. They are responsible for choosing the restaurant, contacting the people on the group list either by telephone or by e-mail, and then making a reservation for the number of people attending. New members are always welcome.

Pot Luck Lunch - 3rd Friday 12:15 p.m.

This is a very popular, fun gathering each third Friday of the month. Members take turns being hostess and everyone contributes whatever dish they choose to bring. Wine is provided by the non-hostesses that year. The hostess provides the table settings, tea and coffee. There is lots of lively conversation and good spirits. The convener sends an email to a large list of interested members each month and if you want to attend that month you call or email the hostess to set a place for you. Contribute whatever you want, there is no plan and surprisingly it usually works out very well with a lovely selection of appetizers, main courses, salads and desserts. To be included on the monthly email, members should contact the convener.

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Outdoor Adventures - 3rd Thursday 10 a.m.

Keep fit trying out various outdoor activities.

Tentative schedule for this upcoming year:

• September: Cycling

• October: Fall hike

• January: X-country ski and/or snowshoe

• February: Skating on the canal

• April: Cycling

• May: Cycling or hike

Join us for our first cycling activity in September, and bring your suggestions for activities you would like to do.

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Other groups

Guitar Groovers - every Tuesday 7.30 p.m.

Members of "Guitar Groovers" love to sing and/or play the guitar. We perform for schools, seniors and the community while raising some money for the club. If you would like to improve your skills at playing guitar or prefer to just sing a variety of Canadian, folk and rock & roll songs, this is the group for you. Our sessions are sprinkled with lots of laughs as we all become more proficient. Beginners are most welcome. We practise every week on Tuesdays 7:30 p.m. in members' homes.

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Current Issues - 4th Tuesday 1 p.m.

You will want to be part of this lively, stimulating group that meets monthly to discuss issues of local, national and international interest. Reserve the 4th Tuesday of the month, 1:00 p.m., to come and join us at a member's home for an enthusiastic discussion on a pre-determined topic. We look forward to hearing your views on a whole range of issues issues from local transit to cultural issues to events taking place on the world stage.

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History Group - dates dependant on speaker availability. Start time is 9:30 a.m.

Regular meetings to be held at the KANATA SENIORS’ CENTRE, 2500 Campeau Drive, Kanata 9:30 -11:00 a.m.

Donation of $3.00/person/meeting to cover hall rental and thank you gifts.

Here is the proposed program for January – June 2016

  • Jan. 29, 2016 Ottawa Little Theatre (OLT) has offered plays to theatre–goers in Ottawa for more than one hundred years. A representative has agreed to come to discuss OLT’s history and significance to the Ottawa theatrical scene.
  • Feb.26. 2016 Ms. Louise Hine-Schmidt became the first female firefighter in Ottawa in 1999. She will discuss her personal story.
  • March 3, 2016 – Special Meeting We are very fortunate that Her Excellency Sharon Johnston has agreed to come to Kanata. Our group has joined forces with a Beaverbrook Library Book Club. All CFUW members are invited to hear Her Excellency talk about her new novel and her personal life. The meeting is free and will take place at the Beaverbrook Library at the John G. Mlacak Centre in Kanata from 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. Copies of Sharon Johnston’s debut novel Matrons and Madams will be available.
  • April 1, 2016 Mr. J. W. Galbraith, author of John Buchan, will be coming to discuss Lord and Lady Tweedsmuir and their impact on Canadian History.
  • May 27, 2016 Linda Stilborne, a member of CFUW/Kanata, will tell us about "Klondike Women".
  • June 10, 2016 Robert McMechan, author of Allison's Brain This non-fiction book is a heartwarming account of the power of music and personal strength to recover from life altering surgery after the discovery of a brain aneurysm.

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Movie Matinee - 1st Tuesday 4:30-5:00 p.m.

Members who opt for the Tuesday afternoon movie group are in for some fine entertainment. In fact, CFUW movie watchers sometimes fill a whole row at our local Empire Theatre in the Kanata Centrum! We usually attend the first Tuesday of the month, Preferred start time is 4:30-5:00 p.m. but this is not always possible.

Dinner out afterwards is always an option, not planned in advance, but that's the way we like it! E-mails to the list of members expressing an interest go out a couple of days in advance to provide information on the chosen feature and the time to gather. So do consider adding your name

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Outings - 3rd Wednesday 1 p.m.

The type of outing, meeting date and time are all confirmed by the convenors a few weeks in advance of the event. Scheduling may vary, depending on the activity and the weather. Whenever it is convenient, members carpool to the outings which are varied and interesting. Past activities have included:

  • Bank of Canada Tour; special exhibit: "Fakes and Forgeries : Yesterday and Today."
  • Guided tour of the Beechwood Cemetery
  • Signature Craft Fair at the Congress Centre
  • Manotick Christmas Outing
  • Chocolate demonstration at Stubbe Chocolates & More
  • Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind
  • Walking Tour of Aylmer
  • Tour of a lottery home

Come and join us with your suggestions for some engaging local ventures.

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Travel Talk - 3rd Thursday 7:00 p.m.

Travel talk provides an opportunity for members to share their own travel experiences and to learn about places that others have visited. The group will exchange travel tips and ideas and just have fun "touring" the world without leaving home.

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If there is enough interest new groups can be considered. Contact the Interest Group Coordinator Carole Ingham if you have suggestions for new and current groups.